Do you have to be dying to receive hospice care?

At United hospice, we believe that hospice is about living. Our philosophy is to provide a better quality of life and the end of life. Our services address the physical, medical, emotional, and spiritual challenges that come with a life-limiting illness. We are the experts in pain and symptom management, with the goal to maximize quality of life.

How do I know if I qualify for hospice?

Patients are eligible for hospice care when a physician makes a clinical determination that life expectancy is six months or less if the terminal illness runs its natural course. Patients who choose comfort care rather than curative care qualify for hospice. Most patients and families often say they wished they had enrolled in hospice care earlier. There is no age limit for obtaining hospice care.

Do I have to give up my family physician and my right to make healthcare decisions?

Our team collaborates with the patient’s physician and other healthcare providers. We work to develop a plan of care with the patient and family that will manage the pain and symptoms of illness and will coordinate that care with the patient’s existing healthcare team.

Will I have to move if I go on hospice?

United Hospice cares for our patients in their home, or wherever they call home. This includes residential homes, group homes, assisted living and memory care, or even long-term care facilities.

Do I have to pay for hospice?

Hospice is covered 100% by your Medicare benefit.